Bristol welcomes its first Smart Pizza!

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The first Smart Pizza installed in England was last year on the Isle of Man and now Bristol is following. This new pizza vending machine is run by Pizza Bella, a traditional and well-known pizzeria in the region.

Owner Sina Kiaei has found in Smart Pizza a way to avoid the consequences of the health measures of the Coronavirus. Integrated on the front of his pizzeria, the vending machine and its touchscreen are directly accessible from the sidewalk by customers.

The pizza maker has chosen to offer a wide range of pizzas available in the machine, also including vegan and gluten-free recipes. Always with the same quality: hand-made, stone-baked and fresh pizzas!

Sina Kiaei explains what motivated him to adopt Smart Pizza: “We were closed for 2 months during the first lockdown, I had time to think about how to adapt. With the Covid-19 context, the distributor is a solution that suits everyone. ”

The remote management part is also an aspect that has finally convinced Sina: “Every time someone orders, it goes back into the management application so we have full control over our stock. Besides, if a pizza has spent 48 hours in the refrigerator, it is automatically withdrawn from sale. "

Already very popular, Pizza Bella's Smart Pizza in Bristol has not finished to emulate!

Smart Pizza Bristol


Great success for Smart-Pizza in London

iconRead 20 Nov 2018